(L.A. Crews)-what u write???.

***********SPIC ONE

(L.A. Crews)-what crews r u from???.

***********S.O.A. Stoned Once Again ***********H.L.C. High Life Crew .(L.A. Crews)-how did your crew(s) get started???.

***********Young Intelligent Hoodlums itching for something more than your typical High School crap in the Alhambra/San Gabriel Valley area. (L.A. Crews)-how did u get your nickname????.

***********My cousin D-GR8 from the infamous Cause Of Insanity crew suggested it. At first I was naive to the meaning of the derogatory word considering it's widely used on the east coast. Once I realized what it meant I embraced it and flipped the script you can say. .(L.A. Crews)- what year did u begin to write?????.

***********I started writing in '92, but had names that I wrote on my and others folders since about '89 (L.A. Crews)- How did u get started in graff????.

**********Through my cousin, I had been exposed to early graff stuff like subway art and early Hip Hop. He was from a great mostly "piecing" crew known as C.O.I. it was made up of real artists like MAN one, VYAL one, & SACRED to name a few I would go out with them to yards both legal (permit required, like huntington beach back in the day) and illegal. So I guess it became me eventually and I went with it with?????. *********Mostly bus writing utensils, sandpaper, arrowhead and pinpoint scribers. But I was known to rock a can when it came down to it. .(L.A. Crews)- who did u see up back in the oldschool days???.

*********OILER/SAHL/D-CLINE>C.O.I.:I.F.K., 125 & ROC>B.L.A., CHAKA/SLEEZ/NACHO>L.O.D.,CEIS/ATLAS/SOBER>TCD:DKS,and a whole of other crews like NASA,SH,STK,CFK,CBS,NHD,SKA,and so on and so on. . (L.A. Crews)- whats your favorite colors to do pieces with or bomb with????.

**********Flat black, silver, forest green, I don't know man I just used what I can afford, jack, or had at the time. .(L.A. Crews)- do u still write????.

**********I catch mostly landmarks now, I'll bomb some freights now and then. Buswriting for me started going downhill when the MTA started using those plastic screens on the windows to prevent mofo's like me from getting to the real one. .(L.A. Crews)- Did u ever hit buses ?what lines did/do u kill???.

**********Yup!!!!!!!!!!!, any bus my fake bus pass got me on. I/we would make fieldtrips out of it, like that saying goes "from the mountains to the sea". .(L.A. Crews)- any beef with anyone or any crews?????.

**********Personally, no. We used to have a friendly hatred for T.H.C.,C.F.K.(the pasadena chapter), and that's about it as far as I can remember. .(L.A. Crews)- do u have any graffiti stories u would like to share????.

**********Nah not really, I'm sure you've heard lot of version of the same story. .(L.A. Crews)- did u ever get caught????.

**********Yeah. Twice on the bus, after the driver would get sick and tired of us nonshalantly terrorizing their bus on a daily basis,they would tip off the MTA. A group of undercovers would soon be assigned to that line. Most of the time we were able to tell when they were on there and we wouldn't do anything. And once on the street. > .(L.A. Crews)- how has L.A. graf fiti changed > from the oldschool days till nowadays???. **********Well from what I see all the new cats are trying too hard, they try start off from the top (style wise), instead of gradually progressing and mastering the skill. The heads that have been around are taking it that next level, some beyond. What I don't see is that state of mind that makes people wonder how the hell the writer got to that spot and how the hell he/she did it. .(L.A. Crews)- Have u ever battled anyone in graffiti?????if so who won????.

***********We (S.O.A.) battled THC. a few of the cats from DKS CBS played the role of judges. It lasted a week, and we were bombing everything everywhere. On the last day, THC bombed the 10 freeway metrolink tracks, which we didn't do 'cause it was played out, that was where rookies would go to get a little fame. Needless to say, the judges(which had ties to THC) judged in favor of them. We didn't care though because we knew we rocked it. . .(L.A. Crews)- Did u ever hit freeways?????.

***********Yeah, that's was like one of my biggest fears though. But once youre risking your life on an overhang or in a zone where gangs are known to claim, you kind of forget that initial "man I'm on a freeway" fear. .(L.A. Crews)- any last words or shout outs?????. ************PEACE!